3 Things I'm Biohacking Right Now


1. The Five Minute Journal.

I was dragging my feet on my commitment to journaling, but this journal is simple, easy and inspiring with quotes everyday and weekly challenges. Read here about the benefits of journaling as a beginning and ending frame to your day.


2. Daily Meditation.

I shoot for 20 and often end up with 10, but it's the habit I'm after. I love to bookmark my favorites on the Insight Timer app.


3. Breathing.

I'm a recovering breath holder. In fact, when I was a toddler, I used to hold my breath when I was upset until I passed out. I've tried box breathing, alternate nostril breathing, and my favorite right now - longer exhale breathing (exhale like you are exhaling through a straw). I practice this in the car when I'm all up in my head about something. Read about the benefits and how to here.


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